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  • Bangalore, India

Agile Government Organisations

Agile Government Organisations.

The governments have begun to realize that they can serve citizens more effectively by adopting agile and increasing transparency and collaboration. Involving users throughout every project, agile methods allow agencies to use tax dollars efficiently, deliver better services, and modernize legacy software with less risk.

the agile framework and the agile attitude which can apply to all areas of a business or a government agency. True agile government needs to move beyond software and take agile thinking right back to Policy development..

Why Agile Is Difficult for the Government

Implementing Agile within government can be challenging. Government agencies are resistant to change; Agile is radically different than more traditional project management methods. It takes work to help people understand how Agile can benefit their agencies.

the major challenges of implementing Agile in government:

  • Rules and Regulations
  • A Resistant Work Culture
  • Slow Decision Making
  • Agency Leaders Who Are Not Agile Supporters
  • Government Leaders and Staff Who Don’t Understand the Time Commitment
  • A Government Staffing Structure That Discourages Self-Forming Teams

Agile methodology Benefits of Agile Government Organisations as follows:

  • Improvement in investment manageability and budgetary feasibility
  • Reduction of overall risk
  • Frequent delivery of usable capabilities that provide value to customers more rapidly
  • Increased flexibility
  • Creation of new opportunities for small businesses
  • Greater visibility into contractor performance

Scale to Agile for Enterprise,Small & Medium Organization contact us for Agile Transformation, Agile Assement,Agile Implementaion, agile coaching, Agile mentoring, Agile workshops.